Raul Garcia Studio / Projects


Requena, Valencia

About this project

The renovation of this public square is presented as a unique opportunity to revitalise the neighbourhood.

The previous square, with a large central fountain, was used as a parking area, leaving little space for pedestrians. By the pedestrianisation of the square, this area of the neighbourhood is articulated and brought to life, allowing the children from the adjacent school to play in it and the elderly to have a quiet place to meet.
The square is modulated by a grid of 40x120cm and it is from this modulation that all the elements that compose it emerge, from the woodland pits that generate shade to the planters, or even the pieces of urban furniture, such as benches or street lamps designed and integrated into the whole. The fountain is moved to a corner, leaving the central space open, and from it emerges a channel that traverses the square, meandering through the pavement and setting the square with the sound of water. At night, this channel is indirectly illuminated, generating an interesting set of lights and shadows that zigzags between the generated spaces.

Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
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Raul Garcia Studio

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46005 Valencia

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