Raul Garcia Studio / Projects


Requena, Valencia

About this project

The project stems from the compromise between the will to preserve the existing building’s atmosphere and the desire to breathe new life into it.

Located on a rural estate, next to a winery and surrounded by vineyards as far as the eye can see, the residential building becomes an idyllic place to disconnect from everyday life, relax and savour the views that surround it, as if it was a fine wine.
With more than a hundred years of age, preserving the spirit of the original construction is one of the self-required impositions, and combining this aspect with a new image in accordance with the times and needs of the user’s current life is quite a challenge accepted with pleasure and resolved with the dialogue between the rustic and essentialist styles, with natural materials on the one hand (recovered wooden beams, solid brick pillars treated to be exposed…) and elements as modern as concealed LED lighting. All these elements, matured in barrels, result in a dwelling that smells of wood and tastes of history… A history of the past, but also of the present and of a future that has yet to be written…

Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
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Raul Garcia Studio

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Gran Via Marques del Turia 63, 7
46005 Valencia

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