Raul Garcia Studio / Projects


Benissa, Alicante

About this project

The reform of this single-family house between party walls poses both the challenge of renovation and that of respecting the tradition of the existing building.

In this sense, a much more open layout is proposed for the day area, also increasing the façade openings to facilitate the entrance of natural light. At the same time, the staircase’s position and geometry has been modified to make it more comfortable. In terms of materials, the house is completely modernised but natural materials are used, such as wood and natural stone in some of the main walls. The warmth of these materials, combined in a simple way, results in a pleasant space where all the elements are used with precision in favour of the final result, where it is possible to enjoy current architecture but with an atmosphere that evokes the past.

Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
Descripción de la imagen
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